Theses and Projects: Difference between revisions

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* [[Unattended context-based authentication with fuzzy cryptography]] (B/M/P) ([ Stephan Sigg])
* [[Unattended context-based authentication with fuzzy cryptography]] (B/M/P) ([ Stephan Sigg])
* [[Environment-adaptive adjustment of audio-based security on mobile phones]] (B/M/P) ([ Stephan Sigg])
* [[Environment-adaptive adjustment of audio-based security on mobile phones]] (B/M/P) ([ Stephan Sigg])
* [[Automatic generation of One-Time-Pads from sensor data for Secure Communication in Body Area Networks]] (B/M/P) ([ Stephan Sigg])
* if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with [ Stephan Sigg]
* if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with [ Stephan Sigg]

Revision as of 08:37, 22 January 2015

Open Theses and Student Project Topics

The Computer Networks Group is always looking for motivated students to work on various topics. If you are interested in any of the projects below, or if you have other ideas and are willing to work with us, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • (B) Bachelor thesis
  • (M) Master thesis
  • (P) Student project

Future Internet architecture

Data Crawling and analysis

Mobile Networking

  • if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Yuan Zhang-->

Massive Data Mining and Recommender System

  • if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Hong Huang

Social Networking

Device-free recognition from RF-signals

Context-based security for mobile devices

Mathematical calculations using superimpositions on the RF-channel

Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing

Ongoing Topics

Topic Topic advisor Initial readings Description Student
Implementation FCSC (Student project) Mayutan Arumaithurai The aim of the work is to implement FCSC Assigned to Eeran Maiti
Large scale Data processing for Emergency services (Thesis project) Mayutan Arumaithurai The aim of the work is to develop tools to perform large scale data processing of emergency calls Assigned to Ram
Implementation of a pub/sub system (Student project) Jiachen Chen Mayutan Arumaithurai The aim of the work is to show how application layer intelligence cupled with network layer pub/sub can be beneficial to both users as well as network operators Assigned to Sripriya
Analysis of text messages for emergency Services (Under key competency module) Mayutan Arumaithurai Currently, emergency services are not designed to perform a sentiment analysis on text messages without human intervention to efficiently provide emergency services. This work will develop such a tool. Assigned to Pranay Tare, Gurjinder Singh
Conformance Testing of Lost server for Emergency Services (Under key competency module) Mayutan Arumaithurai [1], [2] Though, the Internet and communication means have advanced, Emergency calls (i.e. 112) can only be performed by traditional phone calls. Emergency service providers cannot handle VoIP, text and video messages. Handling such messages will allow emergency service providers to scale and thereby handle large scale emergency. This task will involve conformance testing of LoST server. Assigned to Florian Unger
Implementation of Location Information Server (Under key competency module) Mayutan Arumaithurai [3], [4] Though, the Internet and communication means have advanced, Emergency calls (i.e. 112) can only be performed by traditional phone calls. Emergency service providers cannot handle VoIP, text and video messages. Handling such messages will allow emergency service providers to scale and thereby handle large scale emergency. This task will involve implementing a lIS server to identify the location of a VOIP client. Assigned to Vijay Soppadandi
Implement and Evaluate FlowTag in SDN (Under key competency module) Mayutan Arumaithurai SDN, MiniNet This project will implement and evaluate the performance of Flowtag in SDN Assigned to Hari Raghavendar Rao Bandari
Real time analysis to predict the future of companies (Under key competency module) Mayutan Arumaithurai Spark, Twitter Storm This project will perform a study of stream processing tools and methods and analyse their accuracy in predicting the future based on past data Assigned to Karthik Sharma ‎
Real time analysis to study the accuracy of gene matching (Under key competency module) Mayutan Arumaithurai Spark, Twitter Storm This project will perform a study of stream processing tools and methods to analyse the speed and accuracy of predicting if a certain gene pattern matches existing gene patterns in the data base. Assigned to Uche Oteh ‎
Analyze the effect of ICN on energy saving (ITIS Research Project) Mayutan Arumaithurai ICN Analyze the benefits of ICN in terms of energy saving potential Assigned to Alberto Rivera Diaz (Status update: [5])
How can ICN help DTN? (Master thesis Project) Edo Monticelli,Mayutan Arumaithurai ICN, DTN Improve ICN to better support DTN environments Assigned to Benno
Personalized Recommender System Design (Master thesis Project) Hong Huang Build a personalized context-aware recommender system for customers according to their own interest. Assigned to Haile Misgna
Emotion Patterns Analysis in OSNs (Bachelor thesis Project) Hong Huang,Xu Chen We aim to study the emotion patterns in the Twitter service and predict the future emotion status of users. Assigned to Stefan Peters
Activity recognition from GSM signal strength information (Bachelor thesis Project) Stephan Sigg [6] Utilising an open firmware and GSM stack for mobile phones, signal strength information is analysed and interpreted for environmental motion and gestures Marko Becker
Activity recognition from WiFi RSSI Stephan Sigg [7] Development of a demonstration platform for motion and gesture recognition from WiFi RSSI on android mobile phones Christoph Rauterberg
Indoor localisation from device-free RF Stephan Sigg [8] Investigation of device-free RF-based indoor localisation with software defined radio devices Nguyen Chuong Tach
Securing Decentralized OSNs against the Man-in-the-Middle-Attack David Koll - Securing Decentralized OSNs against the Man-in-the-Middle-Attack Swen Weiland

Completed Topics

Topic Topic advisor Initial readings Description Student
Large Scale Distributed Natural Language Document Generation System (Student project at IBM) Mayutan Arumaithurai The work was done at IBM Completed by Eeran Maiti
Investigate real time streaming tools for large scale data processing (Student project) Mayutan Arumaithurai The aim of the work is to compare real time streaming tools. Completed by Ram
Software-Defined Networking and Network Operating System (Student project) Mayutan Arumaithurai SDN based ntwork operating system Completed by Rasha
GEMSTONE goes Mobile (BSc Thesis/Student Project) David Koll Portation of a Decentralized Online Social Network to the Android Platform Completed by Fabien Mathey and improved by Eeran Maiti
Transitioning of Social Graphs between Multiple Online Social Networks (BSc Thesis) David Koll Portation of friendship graphs between different Online Social Networks Completed by Kai-Stephan Jacobsen
Prevention and Mitigation of (D)DoS Attacks in Enterprise Environments (BSc Thesis) David Koll An analysis of enterprise infrastructures and their vulnerarbility towards attacks from the outside. Completed by David Kelterer
  • For a full list of older topics please go here.