Practical Course Networking Lab (Winter 2019/2020)

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NET Teaching Lab where this course takes place.

This course offers students a hands-on approach to computer networking. The students are given practical tasks from the area of computer networks which they have to solve in a small team. The course aims to familiarize the students with practical issues of computer network setup, configuration, operation and maintenance.


Workload/ECTS Credits: 180h, 6 ECTS
Module: B.Inf.802/803/804: Fachpraktikum I/II/III
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Fu
Teaching assistant: Yachao Shao,Jiaquan Zhang, [Cong Li]
Time: organizational meeting - Oct. 22, 16:00-18:00
Place: IfI 1.101
Links: univz


This course requires fair overall knowledge of networking protocols. The exercises will be done using the Linux operating system and Cisco routers.

It is recommended to have attended the following courses prior to taking this one:

  • Computer Networks

Organization and Examination

Informational meeting

An introduction to the lab course, including a tour of the actual lab will be given in the organizational meeting. Please see the table above for the date, time and room.

Lab teams

The students will conduct the practical course in small teams. A team normally consist of 2 students. If you miss a team member, you can come to the introductionary meeting look for a team mate there.

Weekly exercises and written reports

The course consists of weekly exercises related to computer networks. Each team is expected to complete those exercises and compile a short written report every week.

Passing requirements

Imbox content.png Note: Don't forget to officially register for the the course in flexnow, else you won't get your grades.
  • Complete all the labs and submit the lab report on time. For a report to be acceptable, a reasonably complete answer to each question is expected.The deadline for the final report is 31.07.2019.
  • Participate in a final personal-meeting/feedback-round with Professor on 30.10.2019.

Lab Slots

Each team has one weekday reserved, for ten weeks, from mid April onwards. To register a team, send an email to Yachao Shao "" with the preferred day and the name, student number and email address of the team members.

Summer Semester 2019
Timeslot Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Morning Slot (10:00-13:00) AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Jonas Schüler & Alex Wegner
Afternoon Slot (14:00-17:00) Tobias Brinker & Oliver Petschick Yufan Dong & Ding Zhou Mareike Burg & Adrianluca Stehr Árni Hlynur Jónsson Konstantin Möller

Lab Slots during the semester break

This semester, we won't be having any block courses at the end of the semester. Please wait till the beginning of the next semester for more slots.

Course Materials

You find all the relevant course material in the Networking Lab Wiki. One recommend textbook Mastering Networks: An Internet Lab Manual