Advanced Topics in AI for Networking (Summer 2022)
Workload/ECTS Credits: | 5 ECTS |
Module: | M.Inf.1222.Mp: Specialization Computer Networks Module Description -or- 3.10: Advanced Topics in Internet Research (II)(ITIS); M.Inf.1223 (new Regulations) |
Lecturer: | Prof. Xiaoming Fu; Dr. Tingting Yuan |
Teaching assistant: | [NA] |
Time: | Thu. 14:00-16:00 |
Place: | IfI 0.101 |
UniVZ | [1] |
Please contact me by email: or if you have any questions.
!!! the first classs is on Oct. 28 14:00-15:00 online: .
Course Overview
The purpose of this seminar is to discuss some advanced topics in computer networks. This course is a theory-oriented research seminar (5 ECTS, 2 SWS), held on a weekly base and comprises the following components:
- Weekly Presentation + Weekly Paper Reading and Discussion 50%
- Final Presentation 25%
- Final Report 25%
The material in the seminar is mainly drawn from the research literature in top journals/conferences, like ToN,TMC, TPDS, SIGCOMM, SIGMETRICS, INFOCOM, MOBICOM, MOBIHOC, WWW, CoNEXT.
- Each participant is required to read the assigned paper before the seminar and prepare the review of the paper, which should include the following parts:
- Summary of the paper
- Pros and cons of the paper (your conclusion)
- NOTE!! Every participant should provide the paper review BEFORE the seminar (23:59 Wednesday). => the review form is available at [Paper_Review_Form_ATCN_WS201112.doc]
- During each weekly seminar, two participants are assigned for presenting the paper (each presentation lasts for ~20 minutes) and the list of pros and cons are discussed by all the participants.
- In the middle of the semester, everyone is requested to pick a topic and prepare:
- Final report: Essay (5~6 pages, double columns, IEEE format) for your chosen research topic, which contains a comprehensive literature survey + a detailed discussion of some key enabling technologies
- Final presentation: each presentation lasts for ~20 minutes, plus ~10 minutes Q&A
List of Papers
1. Lightweight and Robust Representation of Economic Scales from Satellite Imagery [2]
2. AutoML for Video Analytics with Edge Computing [3]
3. Source Compression with Bounded DNN Perception Loss for IoT Edge Computer Vision [4]
4. NN-Meter: Towards Accurate Latency Prediction of Deep-Learning Model Inference on Diverse Edge Devices [5]
5. Reducto: On-Camera Filtering for Resource-Efficient Real-Time Video Analytics [6]
6. Deep Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction [7]
7. Energy-Efficient 3D Vehicular Crowdsourcing For Disaster Response by Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning [8]
8. Reducing the Service Function Chain Backup Cost over the Edge and Cloud by a Self-Adapting Scheme [9]
9. Routing on Multiple Optimality Criteria[10]
10. Understanding, Detecting and Localizing Partial Failures in Large System Software [11]
11. Understanding Lifecycle Management Complexity of Datacenter Topologies [12]
W1(28 Oct.): Open Talk
W2(04 Nov.): Assigenment Topics
W3(11 Nov.): Paper ID:
W4(18 Nov.): Paper ID:
W5(25 Nov.): Paper ID:
W6(02 Dec.): Paper ID:
W7(09 Dec.): Paper ID:
W8(16 Dec.): Paper ID:
W9(06 Jan.): Paper ID:
W10(13 Jan.): Paper ID:
W11(20 Jan.): Paper ID:
Final Presentation
- Paper Title:
- Paper Title:
- Paper Title:
Final Presentations & Report
- Final Registration in FlexNow: To Be Announced (TBA).
- Final Presentation:
- Each for ~20 minutes, plus ~10 minutes Q&A
- Final Presentation Slots:
- To Be Announced (TBA)
- Final Report:
- Essay (~6 pages, double column, IEEE format:
- Due by 23:59pm 25 March 2022