Software-defined Networking (Winder 2017/2018)

Imbox content.png Currently: All 30 (in fact 31) seats are taken. The rest of you will be put in a waiting list. See here for the list of currently registered participants and the members in the waiting list:



Workload/ECTS Credits: 150h, 5 ECTS
Module: AI: M.Inf.1130: Software-defined Networks (SDN); ITIS: 3.31
Lecturer: Dr. David Koll; Dr. Mayutan Arumaithurai
Teaching assistant: TBA
Time: 9 October - 13 October 2017
Place: IFI 2.101
UniVZ [1]

Course Overview

Software-defined networking (SDN) has recently attracted both researchers in academia and big players in communication technologies, and is currently probably the 'hottest' topic in computer networking. This course will introduce SDN in both its theoretical concepts as well as in practical hands-on lectures, in which students will be required to implement SDN applications.

Note: Unlike previous editions, this edition of the SDN block course will be for 5 days and an examination will be held in late November, early December (This is currently under consideration and not finalized yet).

Note: For this course, basic proficiency in the Python programming language is required.