Advanced Topics in Computer Networking (Winter 2015/2016)

Revision as of 14:46, 23 October 2015 by Xchen1 (talk | contribs) (→‎Details)


  Prerequisite knowledge for this course:Mobile Communication and Networking, Optimization Theory, Stochastic Analysis and Applied Probability.
  Students (with the satisfied prerequisite knowledge) that would like to to register the course should send an email to Dr. Xu Chen by 31 Oct. 2015..
Workload/ECTS Credits: 5 ECTS (MSc 2014)
Module: M.Inf.223: Seminar Telematik III -or- M.Inf.224: Seminar Computernetzewerke II (old Regulations); M.Inf.1222 (new Regulations)
Lecturer: Dr. Xu Chen
Teaching assistant: [--]
Time: Friday 10:15-11:45
Place: IfI 3.101
UniVZ [1]

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to discuss some advanced topics in wireless and mobile communication and networking. This course is an intensive theory-oriented and modeling-driven research seminar, and the students are expected to possess the prerequisite knowledge of Mobile Communication and Networking, Optimization Theory, Stochastic Analysis and Applied Probability. This course is held on a weekly base and comprising the following components:

  • Weekly Presentation + Weekly Paper Reading and Discussion
  • Final Presentation
  • Final Report

The material in the course is mainly drawn from the research literature in top tier journals/conferences, like ToN,TMC, TPDS, SIGCOMM, SIGMETRICS, INFOCOM, MOBICOM, MOBIHOC, WWW, CoNEXT.

The examination and grading is mostly based on the extent to which a student understands the problem formulation, model building, and mathematical/technical solution in a paper/presentation.


  • Each participant is required to read the assigned paper before the seminar and prepare the review of the paper, which should include the following parts:
    • Summary of the paper
    • Pros AND cons of the paper (your conclusion)
    • NOTE!! Every participant should provide the paper review BEFORE the seminar (23:59 Wednesday). => the review form is available at [Paper_Review_Form_ATCN_WS201112.doc]
  • During each weekly seminar, three participants are assigned for presenting the papers (each presentation for ~20 minutes, plus ~10 minutes discussions). And the list of pros and cons is discussed by all the participants.
  • In the end of the semester, everyone is requested to pick a topic and prepare:
    • Final report: essay (12~15 pages) for a comprehensive literature survey of the chosen topic
    • Final presentation: each presentation for ~30 minutes, plus ~10 minutes Q&A

Schedule and Topics

Final Presentations & Report

  • Final Presentation:
    • Each for ~30 minutes, plus ~10 minutes Q&A
    • 19 February 2016

  • Final Report:
    • Essay (12~15 pages) for a comprehensive literature survey of the chosen topic (Template:[2])
    • Due by 26 February 2016