Advanced Topics in Mobile Communications (AToMIC) (Summer 2016)

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People move and stay in different locations in different time. Human mobility has a lot of impact on the social group formation and dynamics, interaction, and other activities. AToMIC course in summer semester 2016 will be focused on social networks on mobile big data. It will start with introduction to related methods and theories, together with real dataset demonstration. Students are expected to be organized in groups, running some tools on selected datasets, and present some scientific work on related topics.

Lecturer: Prof. Xiaoming Fu (fu@)

Teaching assistants: Tao Zhao (, Hong Huang (


Session 1 (15.04): Introduction, mobile big data; literatures

Session 2 (22.04): Big data methods (machine learning, data mining, semantic and structural analysis)

Session 3 (29.04): Data samples

Session 4 (06.05): Social network theory

Session 5 (13.05): Interdisciplinary methods

20.05 & 27.05: cancelled due to business trips

Session 6 (03.06): Mining opinion leaders and structure hole spanners

10.06 & 17.06: cancelled due to business trips

Session 7 (25.06): Practical session

Session 8 (01.07): Final presentations (1)

Session 9 (08.07): Final presentations (2)

15.07: cancelled due to business trip