Advanced Topics in Mobile Communications (AToMIC) 2018
Workload/ECTS Credits: | 5 ECTS |
Module: | M.Inf.223: Seminar Telematik III -or- M.Inf.224: Seminar Computernetzewerke II (old Regulations) -or- 3.10: Advanced Topics in Internet Research (II)(ITIS); M.Inf.1223 (new Regulations) |
Lecturer: | Prof. Xiaoming Fu; Dr. Yali Yuan |
Teaching assistant: | [] |
Time: | Thu. 14:00-16:00 |
Place: | IfI 0.101 |
UniVZ | [1] |
Course Overview
The purpose of this seminar is to discuss some advanced topics in wireless and mobile communication and networking. This course is a theory-oriented research seminar (5 ECTS, 2 SWS), held on a weekly base and comprising the following components:
- Weekly Presentation + Weekly Paper Reading and Discussion
- Final Presentation
- Final Report
The material in the seminar is mainly drawn from the research literature in top journals/conferences, like ToN,TMC, TPDS, SIGCOMM, SIGMETRICS, INFOCOM, MOBICOM, MOBIHOC, WWW, CoNEXT.
- Each participant is required to read the assigned paper before the seminar and prepare the review of the paper, which should include the following parts:
- Summary of the paper
- Pros AND cons of the paper (your conclusion)
- NOTE!! Every participant should provide the paper review BEFORE the seminar (23:59 Wednesday). => the review form is available at [Paper_Review_Form_ATCN_WS201112.doc]
- During each weekly seminar, one participant is assigned for presenting the paper (each presentation for ~30 minutes). And the list of pros and cons is discussed by all the participants.
- In the middle of the semester, everyone is requested to pick a topic and prepare:
- Final report: prepare an essay (8~9 pages, single column) for your chosen research topic, which contains a comprehensive literature survey + a detailed discussion of some key enabling technologies
- Final presentation: each presentation for ~20 minutes, plus ~10 minutes Q&A
Presentation Schedule
- 18 October 2018
- Informational Meeting
- 25 October 2018
- Tracking and localization
- Zhiyuan Lin, Tim Althoff and Jure Leskovec, I’ll Be Back: On the Multiple Lives of Users of a Mobile Activity Tracking Application, ACM WWW 2018. (Presented by Cong Li)
- Tracking and localization
- 1 November 2018
- Tracking and localization
- Dongyao Chen, Kang G. Shin, Yurong Jiang and Kyu-Han Kim, Locating and Tracking BLE Beacons with Smartphones, ACM CoNEXT 2018. (Presented by Robert Tasik)
- Tracking and localization
- 8 November 2018
- Deep Learning Based Human Activity Recognition
- Krishna, Kundan and Jain, Deepali and Mehta, Sanket V and Choudhary, Sunav, An LSTM Based System for Prediction of Human Activities with Durations, ACM UbiComp 2018. (Presented by Yuhan Wang)
- Deep Learning Based Human Activity Recognition
- 15 November 2018
- Deep Learning Based Human Activity Recognition
- Fang, Biyi and Zeng, Xiao and Zhang, Mi, NestDNN: Resource-Aware Multi-Tenant On-Device Deep Learning for Continuous Mobile Vision, ACM MOBICOM 2018. (Presented by Fangxi Deng)
- Deep Learning Based Human Activity Recognition
- 22 November 2018
- Deep Learning Based Human Activity Recognition
- He, Ying and Yu, F Richard and Zhao, Nan and Leung, Victor CM and Yin, Hongxi, Software-Defined Networks with Mobile Edge Computing and Caching for Smart Cities: A Big Data Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach, IEEE Communications Magazine 2017. (Presented by Tasnia Ashrafi Heya)
- Deep Learning Based Human Activity Recognition
- 29 November 2018
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP or HTTP/2
- Petrangeli, Stefano and Swaminathan, Viswanathan and Hosseini, Mohammad and De Turck, Filip, An HTTP/2-Based Adaptive Streaming Framework for 360° Virtual Reality Videos, ACM MM 2017. (Presented by Jiaquan Zhang)
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP or HTTP/2
- 6 December 2018
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP or HTTP/2
- Xie, Lan and Xu, Zhimin and Ban, Yixuan and Zhang, Xinggong and Guo, Zongming, 360ProbDASH: Improving QoE of 360 Video Streaming Using Tile-based HTTP Adaptive Streaming, ACM MM 2017. (Presented by Gulzaib Amjad)
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP or HTTP/2
- 13 December 2018
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP or HTTP/2
- Wijnants, Maarten and Marx, Robin and Quax, Peter and Lamotte, Wim, HTTP/2 Prioritization and its Impact on Web Performance, ACM WWW 2018. (Presented by Jonas Hügel)
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP or HTTP/2
- 20 December 2018
- Wireless Content Caching
- Guo, Peizhen and Hu, Bo and Li, Rui and Hu, Wenjun, FoggyCache: Cross-Device Approximate Computation Reuse, ACM MOBICOM 2018. (Presented by Yachao Shao)
- Wireless Content Caching
- 22 December 2018 & 06 January 2019[Holiday]
- No Lecture, Paper pre-reading by students
- 10 January 2019
- Wireless Content Caching
- Xu, Jie and Chen, Lixing and Zhou, Pan, Joint Service Caching and Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing in Dense Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2018. (Presented by Shichang Ding)
- Wireless Content Caching
- 11 January 2019~ 31 January 2019
- Final presentation and report preparation
Final Presentations & Report
- Topics:
- Wireless Content Caching
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP or HTTP/2
- Deep Learning Based Human Activity Recognition
- Tracking and localization
- Final Presentation:
- Each for ~20 minutes, plus ~10 minutes Q&A
- Presentation Slots:
- 17 January 2019
- Wireless Content Caching
- Soumya Basu, Aditya Sundarrajan, Javad Ghaderi, Sanjay Shakkottai and Ramesh Sitaraman, Adaptive TTL-Based Caching for Content Delivery, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2018. (Presented by Jonas Hügel)
- Soumya Basu, Aditya Sundarrajan, Javad Ghaderi, Sanjay Shakkottai and Ramesh Sitaraman, Adaptive TTL-Based Caching for Content Delivery, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2018. (Presented by Jonas Hügel)
- Wireless Content Caching
- Final Report:
- Essay (8~9 pages, single column)
- Due by TBD