Advanced Software-defined Networking (Winter 2014/2015)

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Imbox content.png Note: All information listed on this page is tentative.
Imbox content.png Note: We strongly recommend to take both this course and Advanced Software-defined Networking (M. Inf.1230), which is held in the week after this course.


Workload/ECTS Credits: 150h, 5 ECTS
Module: M.Inf.1230: Specialization Software-defined Networks (SDN)
Lecturer: Mayutan Arumaithurai
Teaching assistant: tba
Time: March 23-27; 09.00-17.00
Place: IfI 3.101
UniVZ tba

Course Overview

Software-defined networking (SDN) has recently attracted both researchers in academia and big players in communication technologies, and is currently probably the 'hottest' topic in computer networking. In this course, we will discuss the basics of SDN.

The course is organized as a block course as follows (for the detailed structure, please see this table): Initially, two lectures introducing the main motivation, concepts and state-of-the-art of SDN will be given. Afterwards, we will have a short peak into the most recent research from both industry and academia, which is going to define the future of SDN. In this session, students will select one paper of interest that they will present towards the end of the course. The course then continues with an introduction to Mininet [1], and students are expected to perform some basic experiments on creating and using a virtual network based on Mininet. After the experimentations, students will present the paper they selected earlier.

For all parts of the course, exercises will be provided, in which students must obtain at least 50% of the total points to be admitted to the examination of this course. The exam is taken by submitting a report of 15-20 pages summarizing the lessons learned during the lectures and exercises as well as the research papers investigated (a LaTeX template will be provided). Depending on the number of attendees, several parts will be conducted in teams of students.

The course Advanced Software-defined Networking (M. Inf.1230) will follow a similar structure to provide a more profound knowledge of SDN.


Date Morning Session Type Afternoon Session Type
16.03.2015 Software-defined Networking I Lecture Software-defined Networking II Lecture
17.03.2015 Current Research in SDN Seminar Introduction to Mininet Lecture
18.03.2015 Mininet I Practical Mininet II Practical
19.03.2015 Mininet III Practical Presentation Preparation -
20.03.2015 Open Issues Seminar Presentations Seminar


  • Each participant is required to actively attend the course and earn 50% of the points of the exercise.
  • Written report at the end of the course