Practical Course Advanced Networking (Summer 2016)

Revision as of 13:12, 12 February 2016 by Dkoll (talk | contribs) (→‎Schedule)


Workload/ECTS Credits: 180h, 6 ECTS
Module: M.Inf.1800 Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum Computernetzwerke
Lecturer: Dr. David Koll
Teaching assistant: Zhao Tao, MSc.
Time: start:April 21, 14-16
Place: IfI 3.101
UniVZ tba

Course Organization

In this course, you will form teams of 2-3 students (depending on the number of course attendees) with the goal of completing several practical tasks in the realm of data analysis. These tasks can include both exploratory (descriptive) data analysis as well as the application of machine learning algorithms to specific datasets. The course is structured as a competition, i.e., all groups of students will receive the same tasks.

Each team will need to present their solution for each task. Intermediate reports will have to be submitted from time to time and a final report needs to be submitted at the end of the semester (September 30).


You are highly recommended to have completed a course on Data Science (e.g., "Data Science and Big Data Analytics" taught by Dr. Steffen Herbold or the Coursera Course "Machine Learning" by Stanford University) before entering this course. You need to be familiar with basic statistics and a range of machine learning algorithms (linear/logistic/lasso regression, k-means classification, etc.).

Passing requirements

  • Solve the warmup-problem (10% of final grade, this is also required in order to continue the course)
  • Present your task specific findings (2*35% = 70% in total)
  • Prepare a written report on the selected topic (12-15 pages, Template:[1]) (20%)
  • It is mandatory for all students to stick to the deadlines mentioned in #Schedule.


  • 15 April 2016 (Friday), 14-16: Informational meeting
    • Introduction to the course, formation of teams, and discussion of open questions
  • 15 April - 29 April: Let's make sure we're on the same page
    • You will get a warmup-task with a simple dataset that you should analyse descriptively, and then build a machine learning predictor on. This is to ensure that you meet the course prerequisites. Students who fail this step will not be allowed to continue the course.
  • 29 April: Submission on warmup task due
  • 2 May - 9 June: Working on task #1
  • 9 June (Thursday), 14-16: Presentation on task #1
  • 13 June - 14 July: Working on task #2
  • 14 July: Presentation on task #2
  • 30 September: Submission of final report.

Time limits for presentations will range between 15 and 25 minutes per team. Exact durations will be set dynamically depending on the number of student teams in the course.


To ensure that all teams have the same time available for each task, the details will be published at the start of each phase (e.g., warmup task will be provided on April 15th)