VNF components: Implementation of Virtual Network Functions like Proxy Engines, Firewall, IDS and IPS, on top of OpenNetVM, Docker engines using the available open source tools.

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Project Work

Undertand OpenNetVM plattorm and develop real world Network functions by leveraging the OpenNetVM Manager and the available open source implementations of the Network functions. You can choose any of the network functions that you find interesting to work on. Validate the implementation of network function by running simple tests on-top of OpenNetVM.

Also, refer to open source FD.IO project [1]. Several active NFV implementations and projects [2].


openNetVM is a high performance NFV platform based on Intel DPDK [3] and Docker containers [4]. openNetVM is SDN-enabled, allowing the network controller to provide rules that dictate what network functions need to process each packet flow. openNetVM is an open source version of the NetVM platform described in our [NSDI 2014 paper][nsdi04], released under the [BSD][license] license. To install openNetVM, please see the openNetVM Installation guide for a thorough walkthrough [docs/]. openNetVM can be used in a variety of ways. To get started with some examples, please see the Example Uses guide [docs/] The NF Development guide [docs/] will provide what you need to start create your own NFs.


ONVM: [5] DPDK: [6] Docker: [7] NetVM Paper: [8] FD.IO [9]