- (30P) Warmup (simple Tree) ($ => commands on VM, > => commands on mininet/pox, Q => Question)
$ sudo mn --topo tree,3 --mac --arp --switch ovsk --controller remote
$ h1 ping h8
- (Q: What do you observe?)
$ ./pox/pox.py
$ h1 ping h8
- (Q: What do you observe?)
$ ./pox/pox.py samples.spanning_tree
$ h1 ping h8
- (Q: What do you observe?)
- (40P) Create your own simple tree (binary, i.e. each node will connect to two nodes below it)
- copy dcsimple.py ([1]) to mininet/custom/
- modify dcsimple.py to create hosts, switches and connections for a three level tree
$ sudo mn –-custom dcsimple.py -–topo simple
- (30P) Create your own Fattree
- copy dcfat.py ([2]) to mininet/custom/
- modify dcfat.py to create a fat tree (level 0: so & s1, level 1: s2 & s3, level 2: s4, s5, s6, s7, Level 3: Hosts)
$ sudo mn –-custom dcfat.py -–topo fat
$ sudo mn –-custom dcfat.py -–topo fat --controller remote
$ ./pox/pox.py samples.spanning_tree