Advanced Computer Networks (Summer 2017)

Revision as of 09:20, 9 June 2017 by Marumai1 (talk | contribs)
Imbox content.png Note: Please note that the class on 22nd June will start at 10:30am and end at 12:00.


Workload/ECTS Credits: 5ECTS
Module: M.Inf.1223.Mp OR 3.17: Selected Topics in Advanced Networking (ITIS)
Lecturer: Prof. Xiaoming Fu, Dr. Mayutan Arumaithurai, Dr. Hong Huang, Dr. David Koll
Teaching assistant: TBA
Time: Thursdays, 10-12am.
Place: IFI 3.101
UniVZ tba

Course description

This lecture will introduce advanced concepts of computer networking to interested students. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Mobile Edge Computing
  • Social big data
  • Cloud Computing
  • Datacenter Networking
  • Future Internet Technologies

For each topic, basic structures, features, applied techniques and security aspects will be taught.

Schedule (Tentative)

Date Topic Lecturer Slides
13.04.2017 Introduction Prof. X. Fu [1]
20.04.2017 Mobile Edge Computing Prof. X. Fu [2]
27.04.2017 NO LECTURE (Girls Day)
04.05.2017 Crowdsourcing Prof. X. Fu [3]
11.05.2017 Social Big Data - Introduction Dr. H. Huang [4]
18.05.2017 Social Big Data - Methods Dr. H. Huang [5]
01.06.2017 Social Big Data - Applications Dr. H. Huang
08.06.2017 Information Centric Networks I Dr. M. Arumaithurai
15.06.2017 Software-defined Networking I Dr. D. Koll
22.06.2017 Software-defined Networking II Dr. M. Arumaithurai
29.06.2017 Information Centric Networks II Dr. M. Arumaithurai
06.07.2017 Datacenter Networks Dr. D. Koll
13.07.2017 Written Examination


  • Computer Science I, II; Computer Networks