Advanced Topics in Mobile Communications (Summer 2010)


Workload/ECTS Credits: 6 ECTS
Teaching assistant: {{{ta}}}
Time: Fri 10:00-12:00
Place: IfI 3.101]


Instructor: Prof. Xiaoming Fu. Contact if you have any questions.

This course is a research seminar (6 ECTS, 2 SWS), held on a weekly base and comprising the following components:

  • Weekly paper reading and discussion
  • Presentation
  • Final report

The seminar topics include the following:

  • Social Network Analysis Techniques
  • Mobile Social Overlay/Middleware
  • Delay Tolerant and Opportunistic Networks (DTN)
  • Internet of Things
  • Security and Privacy

Further details are given in the introduction slides.

The paper review form is available [here]. Jon Crowcroft's tutorial slides here.

2 Papers for review on 23.04.2010

1. Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks

2. The Structure of Information Pathways in a Social Communication Network

Further reading: