Advanced Computer Networks (Summer2020)

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Workload/ECTS Credits: 5ECTS
Module: M.Inf.1223.Mp OR 3.17: Selected Topics in Advanced Networking (ITIS)
Lecturer: [ Dr. Hannes Tschofenig]
Teaching assistant: Bangbang Ren
Time: Tuesday, Thursdays, 10-12am.
Place: Rom:2.101

Course description

This lecture will introduce concepts of computer networking related to Internet of Things devices. The goal of the course is to make you feel comfortable designing and secure IoT-based Internet communication. The course gives you an understanding of

  • The hardware used in IoT devices
  • Embedded software development
  • Local communication to sensors and actuators
  • Internet protocols specifically designed for IoT devices
  • Protocols to manage the lifecycle of IoT devices
  • Security technologies used on constrained device, and
  • Data protection and privacy

There will be exercises and it is mandatory to complete all the exercises to attend the final exam. Each student will be provided with IoT hardware. For software development the preferred tool is a professional IDE developed by Keil.

Schedule (Tentative)

Date Topic Lecturer Lecture slides Exercise/practice slides
18.04.2019 Introduction to Internet of Things I Hannes Tschofenig
25.04.2019 Information-Centric Networks II Mayutan Arumaithurai Congestion_control
02.05.2019 Exercise I: Information-Centric Networks Mayutan Arumaithurai Exercise I
09.05.2019 SDN I Osamah Barakat
16.05.2019 SDN II Osamah Barakat
23.05.2019 Virtualization and Cloud Technologies Prof.Dr. Xiaoming Fu
30.05.2019 Holiday===NO LECTURE (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
06.06.2019 Exercise II: SDN + Cloud Computing Osamah Barakat
13.06.2019 Big Data Prof.Dr. Xiaoming Fu Slides
20.06.2019 Social Networks Prof.Dr. Xiaoming Fu Slides
27.06.2019 Machine Learning I Shichang Ding
04.07.2019 Machine Learning II Shuai Xu Slides
11.07.2019 Exercise III: Big Data+Social Networks+Machine Learning (or pratical course) Shichang Ding + Shuai Xu Exercise III
18.07.2019 Written Examination (same time as the lecture. Room 2.101) Sripriya Adhatarao + Shuai Xu


  • Computer Science I, II; Computer Networks