Practical Course Advanced Networking (Winter 2010/2011)

Revision as of 11:14, 21 July 2010 by Ychen1 (talk | contribs)


Workload/ECTS Credits: 180h, 6 ECTS
Module: M.Inf.805.6C: Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Computernetzwerke
Lecturer: {{{lecturer}}}
Teaching assistant: Yang Chen
Time: Thursdays, 14.00 - 16.00
Place: IfI 3.101
UniVZ [1]

Course description

We offer a couple of practical topics related to advanced computer networking.

Organization and Examination

Informational meeting

At the beginning of a semester there will be an organizational meeting. Please see the schedule of the corresponding semester for the exact date. At the organizational meeting we will give an introduction to the lab course including a tour of the actual lab and form the lab teams.

Lab teams

The students will conduct the practical course in small teams. A team consist of 2 students. Teams will be formed at the informational meeting at the beginning of the course.

Passing requirements

  • Prepare a written report on the selected topic (12-15 pages).
  • Present the selected topic in the seminar (30 min. presentation + 10 min. discussion).


Friday, 5 November 2010, 16.15 - 17.15: First general meeting. Introduction to the course and open questions.


The following list of topics is constantly being expanded. If there is no topic that you like at the moment, please check back regularly for the most recent updates. You can also get in touch with us directly and we will try to find a topic that interests you.