AI-Empowered Networking and Mobile Communications(Summer 2024)


Workload/ECTS Credits: 5ECTS
Module: M.Inf.1223.Mp: Advanced Topics in Computer Networks

B.Inf.1702.Mp: Vertiefung Computersysteme

M.Inf.1120.Mp: Mobilkommunikation

M.Inf.121.1: Mobilkommunikation I

M.Inf.225.Mp: Ausgewählte Themen der Mobilkommunikation

Note: You can choose any of them to attend this course, but only one! Please note that enrolling in the same course more than once will not grant additional credits.

Lecturer: Dr. Tingting Yuan, Prof. Xiaoming Fu
Teaching assistant: Fabian Wölk
Time: Thursdays, 10-12am.
Place: IFI 2.101
UniVZ []

Course description

This lecture will introduce advanced concepts of computer networking to interested students. Topics include:

  • AI meets Networking
  • Segment Routing
  • Intelligent Transportation Application based on V2I Networking
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
  • Blockchain Technology and its Underlying P2P Networks
  • Bio-inspired Networking
  • Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Graph Completion
  • Deep Learning with Differential Privacy for Image Classification

For each topic, basic structures, features and applied techniques will be taught.

If you have any questions, please contact Fabian Wölk (

Schedule (Tentative)

Date Topic Lecturer Slides
11.04.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Introduction Dr. Tingting Yuan
18.04.2024 (10:00-12:00am) AI meets Networking I Dr. Tingting Yuan
25.04.2024 NO LECTURE (GIRL'S DAY)
02.05.2024 (10:00-12:00am) AI meets Networking II Dr. Tingting Yuan
16.05.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Segment Routing I Fabian Wölk
23.05.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Segment Routing II Fabian Wölk
30.05.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Intelligent Transportation Application based on V2I Networking Yanlong Huang
06.06.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Social Network Analysis Zhengze Li
13.06.2024 (10:00-12:00am) From Words to Vision: A Journey Through Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Wenfang Wu
20.06.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Blockchain Technology and its Underlying P2P Networks Jin Xie
27.06.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Bio-inspired Networking Parisa
04.07.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Graph Completion Tong Shen
11.07.2024 (10:00-12:00am) Deep Learning with Differential Privacy for Image Classification Yanru Song
TBD (??:00-??:00am) Written Examination (Room TBD)


  • Computer Science I, II; Computer Networks


  • Yang, S., N. He, F. Li, and X. Fu, Resource Allocation in Network Function Virtualization: Problems, Models and Algorithms, Singapore: Springer, August 2022.
  • James Kurose, Keith Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. 8th Edition, Pearson, June 2021