Exercises lb

Exercise: Load balancers

  • Setup will be as shown in Figure [1]

(40P) Pre-defined servers

    • AIM: Http requests from different clients will be directed to different pre-defined servers
  $ sudo mn --topo single,6 --mac --arp --controller remote
  $./pox/pox.py log.level --DEBUG misc.ip_loadbalancer --ip= --servers=,   
    • Start HTTP servers on h1, h2
  mininet> xterm h1
  mininet> xterm h2

  h1$ python –m SimpleHTTPServer 80
  h2$ python –m SimpleHTTPServer 80
    • Get webpage from clients (h3)
  mininet> xterm h3
  h3$ curl
    • Observe in Pox controller, which server is it connecting to. Continue to obtain webpage from the same client and one other client and observe the results
      • Are both servers getting an equal share

(60P) Modified Load_balancer

    • Now modify pox/pox/misc/ip_loadbalancer.py to select server in a round robin fashion