Video Delivery: Implementation and validation of SAID, a congestion control protocol for Multicast

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We recently got one of papers accepted at a top level conference "ACM ICN 2016". YOu can find a copy of the paper here.

The work deals with a novel congestion control approach for multicast video delivery. We are currently offering an implementation project that involves the following: a) Implement the proposed protocol on the open source NDN router implementation (C++ based, user-space). The router software exists and we will have to modify the data-structure of the forwarding element. b) In collaboration with CISCO, make use of their video application framework to test the implementation. Cisco already has the necessary components such as DASH.js, application libraries, client software.

I currently expect "a" to be a small part of the project. Most of the work would involve system work in using "b" and testing the modifications made via "a" in order to fine tune "a" and/or prove its validity.