Advanced Topics in Mobile Communications (AToMIC): Social Network in Mobile Big Data (Summer 2016)

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Workload/ECTS Credits: 5 ECTS
Module: M.Inf.223: Seminar Telematik III -or- M.Inf.224: Seminar Computernetzewerke II (old Regulations) -or- 3.10: Advanced Topics in Internet Research (II)(ITIS); M.Inf.1223 (new Regulations)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Fu
Teaching assistant: Tao Zhao, MSc., Ms. Hong Huang
Time: 10:15-12:00
Place: SR3.101
UniVZ [1]

Course Overview

People move and stay in different locations in different time. Human mobility has a lot of impact on the social group formation and dynamics, interaction, and other activities. AToMIC course in summer semester 2016 will be focused on social networks on mobile big data. It will start with introduction to related methods and theories, together with real dataset demonstration. Students are expected to be organized in groups, running some tools on selected datasets, and present some scientific work on related topics.


Holding at least a bachelor's degree on computer science or related fields.

Presentation Schedule



Date Topic Slides
15.04.2016 Introduction, mobile big data; literatures pdf
22.04.2016 Big data methods (machine learning, data mining, etc) pdf
29.04.2016 Big data methods (cont.); data samples pdf
06.05.2016 Social network theory
13.05.2016 Interdisciplinary methods and case study
20.05.2016 cancelled due to business trips
27.05.2016 cancelled due to business trips
03.06.2016 Mining opinion leaders and structure hole spanners
10.06.2016 cancelled due to business trips
17.06.2016 cancelled due to business trips
25.06.2016 Practical session
01.07.2016 Final presentations (1)
08.07.2016 Final presentations (2)
15.07.2016 cancelled due to business trip


The list of topics is as follows. The topic description shows a basic task for each topic. The literature provided here is only for reference. Each group should read more related literatures about your topic to give a comprehensive survey.

Topic Description Dataset Literature
Influential user identification (assigned) The project is to identify influential users based on users’ features. Twitter [2] [3] [4]
Community detection (assigned) The project is to cluster different communities based on topics. Facebook [5] [6][7]
Point-of-Interest recommendation The project is to make point-of-interest(POI) recommendation based on social influence and check-ins. Gowalla [8] [9][10]
Link prediction and friend recommendation The project is to make friend recommendation based on social networks and check-ins. Brightkite [11] [12][13]
Analysis of individual activity and mobile pattern The project is to give a detailed analysis of individual activity and mobile pattern based on everyday life tracks. Social Evolution Dataset [14] [15][16]

Final Presentations & Report