Practical Course Networking Lab (Summer 2015)

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Workload/ECTS Credits: 180h, 6 ECTS
Module: B.Inf.802/803/804: Fachpraktikum I/II/III
Lecturer: {{{lecturer}}}
Teaching assistant: Edo Monticelli
Time: (organizational meeting to be fixed)
Place: IfI 3.101
UniVZ [1]


This course requires fair overall knowledge of networking protocols. The exercises will be done using the Linux operating system and Cisco routers.

It is recommended to have attended the following courses prior to taking this one:

  • Computer Networks

Organization and Examination

Informational meeting

At the beginning of a semester there will be an organizational meeting. At the organizational meeting we will give an introduction to the lab course, including a tour of the actual lab. You can either register for the course before, by sending me an email or directely at the meeting.

Lab teams

The students will conduct the practical course in small teams. A team normally consist of 2 students.

Weekly exercises and written reports

The course consists of weekly exercises related to computer networks. Each team is expected to complete those exercises and compile a short written report every week.

Passing requirements

  • Complete all the labs and submit the lab report on time
  • Participate in a final personal-meeting/feedback-round with Professor. TBA

Lab Slots

Each team has one weekday reserved, for ten weeks, from April 13th on. To register a team, send me an email with the preferred day and the name, student number and email address of the team members.

Summer Semester 2015
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Course Materials

The course is based on the book "Mastering Networks - An Internet Lab Manual" by Jörg Liebeherr and Magda El Zarki.

You find all the relevant course material in the Networking Lab Wiki.