Seminar on Internet Technologies (Summer 2015): Difference between revisions

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'''The use of Delay Tolerant Networks in Real Life examples''' ''(Assigned to Pouya Saeedfar)''
'''The use of Delay Tolerant Networks in Real Life examples''' ''(Assigned to Pouya Saeedfar)''

Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) are a particular family of networks characterized by high, unpredictable node mobility and consequently by the possible lack of a path between source and destination. To counterbalance the numerous drawbacks is the fact that these networks require little or no infrastructure and can act in a completely decentralized way. Many protocols have been proposed in the last 10 years. The student is required to present a general overview of DTN and in particular to investigate how DTN principles are used in hot researched fields, including Internet of Things (IoT), Vehicular Networks (VANETs), Emergency systems, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and pervasive computing.
| [ Edo_Monticelli]
| '''Self adaptive systems'''
How to use several routing protocols, in a DTN, based on the external (encounters, position, message name, etc) or internal conditions (battery, buffer space, etc). Survey what has been done in DTN and other research areas.
| [ Edo_Monticelli]
|'''Understanding Modern Web Service Deployment in EC2 and Azure''' ''(Assigned to Fitria Nilamsari)''
Today, web services are increasingly being deployed in infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds such as Amazon EC2, Windows Azure, and Rackspace. Hence, it is critical to understand the usage patterns and identifies ways in which cloud tenants could better leverage IaaS clouds.
| [ Yuan Zhang]
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|'''Bandwidth Usage for Mobile Apps''' ''(Assigned to Martin Schwarzmaier)''
Understanding the resource usage of mobile Apps is critical for developing novel recommendations and detailed best practice suggestions for mobile web content, browser, network protocol, and smartphone OS design.
| [ Yuan Zhang]
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|'''Efficient crowdsourcing for multi-class labeling'''  ''(Assigned to Berker Vardarsuyu)''
Crowdsourcing systems like Amazon's Mechanical Turk have emerged as an effective large-scale human-powered platform for performing tasks in domains such as image classification, data entry, recommendation, and proofreading. Since workers are low-paid (a few cents per task) and tasks performed are monotonous, the answers obtained are noisy and hence unreliable. To obtain reliable estimates, it is essential to utilize appropriate inference algorithms (e.g. Majority voting) coupled with structured redundancy through task assignment.
| [ Yuan Zhang]
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|'''Technical, Economical and Ethical Issues with Net Neutrality -- or the Lack thereof''' ''(Assigned to Uche Oteh)''
Net neutrality refers to current state of the internet, where all data should be treated equally, without discrimination of specific flows or entities.
However, this state has recently been questioned by several providers and government authorities.
In this topic, the reasons and motivations for and against net neutrality should be investigated,
with a focus on the technical implementations and outcomes of an Internet, where neutrality is no longer given.
| [ David Koll]
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|'''Advances in Networking towards The Internet of Things''' ''(Assigned to Giovanna Parra)''
The idea of Internet of Things -- or IoT -- is to interconnect uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure [].
Over 25 billion of such devices are expected to be connected within the IoT by 2020.
The IETF has recently released a protocol suite to enable communication between the devices.
In this topic, the most recent advances towards the IoT should be investigated to obtain a clear overview of where both research and industry are currently standing and whether or not the 2020 estimation is still valid.
| [ David Koll]
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| '''Smart Q&A systems: what it is and how it works''' ''(Assigned to Xi Wang)''
| [ Hong Huang]
| '''Semantic Matching in Search''' ''(Assigned to Yimo Liu)''
Relevance is the most important factor to assure users’ satisfaction in search and the success of a search engine heavily depends on its performance on relevance. It has been observed that most of the dissatisfaction cases in relevance are due to term mismatch between queries and documents (e.g., query “ny times” does not match well with a document only containing “New York Times”), because term matching, i.e., the bag-of-words approach, still functions as the main mechanism of modern search engines.
| [ Hong Huang]
| '''Use Skype to make emergency (112) calls: What are the challenges and means to solve this?'''  '' Assigned to Guri Singh''‎
Currently, emergency service providers are not equiped to handle VoIP calls and receive voice/video/text messages. There has been quite some work done in this area and the aim of this study is to get a clear picture of how long will it be before we can make VoIP based emergency calls and what are the challenges.
| [ Mayutan Arumaithurai]
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| '''What is the future of SDN? What are the different products that exist and their properties and promising application scenarios? '''  '' Assigned to Karthik Sharma ''‎
| '''What is the future of SDN? What are the different products that exist and their properties and promising application scenarios? '''  '' Assigned to Karthik Sharma ''‎
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|'''Task cooperation or offloading in Mobile Device Cloud''' ''(Assigned to Tare Pranay)''
|'''Task cooperation or offloading in Mobile Device Cloud''' ''(Assigned to Tare Pranay)''

With the explosion of personal mobile devices, computation offloading or task cooperation through opportunistic networks of nearby
devices is increasingly gaining attainions, to support sophisticated mobile applications with limited resources (e.g., processing ability, energy and even user knowledge).
Such service model is called a mobile device cloud. In this topic, we aim to investigate the state-of-art research literature, and identify the key problem challenges and holistic technical roadmap.
| [ Lingjun Pu]
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|'''Put Cloudlet Concept into Reality''' ''(Assigned to Dieter Lechler)''
Nowadays, smartphones, handheld devices, and wearable computing devices are part of the third group of cloud-based resources
which is proximate mobile computing entities. Cloudlet concept combining surrounding computing resources is proposed to facilitate mobile device service.
In this topic, students are required to investigate how to design and leverage Cloudlet into real system.
| [ Lingjun Pu]
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|'''On the recognition of emotion from Social media and sensor readings''' ''(Assigned to Guryash Bahra)''
Recently, there are multiple efforts to extend the capabilities of data analysis tools e.g. for social media or wearable systems towards the recognition of sentiment - human emotions and internal states.
Examples are studies on emotion contagion on facebook, or the introduction of wearable technology capable to capture sentiment like prominently glasses or watches.
The student shall give a structured overview on recent advances in this field.
| [ Stephan Sigg]
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|'''Utilising the wireless channel as a mathematical calculator - Summarising recent advances''' ''(assigned to Burcu Coskun)''
This topic focuses recent research efforts towards the calculation of mathematical functions on the wireless channel.
The student shall give a structured overview on recent advances in this field.
| [ Stephan Sigg]
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|'''Spark: the state of the art engine for big data processing ''' ''(Assigned to Ramaninder Singh Jhajj)''
Due to the increasing popularity of multi-core CPU and computer cluster, many ideas, techniques and software on leveraging this new computing platform have been developed in recent few years. Since this is a huge area, in this topic, students are only required to investigate a few specific ideas and techniques, such as MapReduce, Hadoop and Spark. We hope that students can understand and teach the audience the basic ideas and get hands dirty on some big data processing tools.
| [ Narisu Tao]
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|'''Kaggle: a platform for making data science a sport''' ''(Assigned to Hari Raghavendar Rao Bandari)''
Kaggle is a website where companies and researchers post their data and prediction problems and data scientists from all over the world compete to produce the best models. The student taking this topic will answer the following questions: what is data scientist? What kinds of skills are owned by data scientist? How do Kaggle competitions work? We hope that the student can not only answer above high level questions, but can tell us some personal experience by engaging one of these competition.
| [ Narisu Tao]
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