Theses and Projects

Revision as of 15:24, 10 July 2013 by Kzhu (talk | contribs) (b)

Open Theses and Student Project Topics

The Computer Networks Group is always looking for motivated students to work on various topics. If you are interested in any of the projects below, or if you have other ideas and are willing to work with us, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • (B) Bachelor thesis
  • (M) Master thesis
  • (P) Student project

Mobile Networking

  • if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Yuan Zhang-->

Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

  • If you are interested in doing projects in this field, please contact Lei Jiao directly.

Social Networking

Ongoing Topics

Social Network Architectures

  • Securing Decentralized OSNs against the Man-in-the-Middle-Attack (M)
  • Supervised by David Koll

Social Network Analysis

Network Security

  • Prevention and Mitigation of (Distributed) Denial of Service Attacks in Enterprise Environments (B)
  • Supervised by David Koll

Completed Topics