Theses and Projects
Open Theses and Student Project Topics
The Computer Networks Group is always looking for motivated students to work on various topics. If you are interested in any of the projects below, or if you have other ideas and are willing to work with us, please don't hesitate to contact us.
- (B) Bachelor thesis
- (M) Master thesis
- (P) Student project
Future Internet architecture
- Disaster Recovery: Implementation and evaluation of Mobile phone based Information Centric Networking (ICN) solution for support during disasters (B/M/P)
- Wireless mesh networks/vehicular networks/wireless sensor networks: Information Centric Networking (ICN) based solution (B/M/P)
- Network Management: Information Centric Networking (ICN) based solution for Network Management (B/M/P)
- Video Delivery: Information Centric Networking (ICN) solution for video delivery (B/M/P)
- if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Mayutan Arumaithurai, Jiachen Chen, edo monticelli
Mobile Networking
- Context-aware networking (M/P)
- if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Yuan Zhang-->
Social Networking
- Gemstone: Decentralizing Social Networks (B/M/P)
- Understanding the information propagation process in social networks (B/M/P)
- Privacy protection in social network applications (B/M/P) (Konglin Zhu)
- Mobile effects in online social networks (B/M/P) (Konglin Zhu)
- if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with David Koll or Dr. Wenzhong Li
Device-free recognition from RF-signals
- Indoor localisation based on RF-signal-strength (M/P)
- if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Stephan Sigg
Context-based security for mobile devices
- Unattended context-based authentication with fuzzy cryptography (B/M/P)
- if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Stephan Sigg
Mathematical calculations using superimpositions on the RF-channel
- Utilising convolutions of random functions for calculations on the RF-channel (B/M/P)
- if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Stephan Sigg
Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
- Android/Iphone/Ubuntu touch development of an environment-reactive app (B/M/P)
- if you are interested in other topics in this area please get in contact with Stephan Sigg
Ongoing Topics
Social Network Architectures
- Securing Decentralized OSNs against the Man-in-the-Middle-Attack (M)
- Supervised by David Koll
- Implementation and Deployment of Measurement Prototype for Decentralized OSNs (P)
- Supervised by David Koll
Social Network Analysis
- Social Influence Maximization Problem (M)
- Exploring Friendship and Mobility in Location-Based Social Networks (M)
- Exploring Academic-Social Influence based on Citation and Collaboration Network Analysis (M)
- Supervised by Dr. Wenzhong Li
Completed Topics
- Implementation and Evaluation of Decentralized Online Social Networking System (P)
- Implementation of a Routing and Forwarding Scheme for Coordinated Wide Area Mobility (B/M/P)
- Evaluation of the Routing Performance of various Mobility Solutions (B/M/P)
- Design and implementation of a socio-aware layer for mobile phones
- Network Friendly TCP for P2P and other low priority traffic
- Securing Phoenix Network Coordinate System (M/P)
- Information diffusion in social networks: community based or location based (M/P)
- GEMSTONE goes Mobile (B)
- Transitioning of Social Graphs between Multiple Online Social Networks (B)
- Prevention and Mitigation of (D)DoS Attacks in Enterprise Environments (B)
- For a full list of older topics please go here.